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This is a selection of newspaper publications from Britain, it may not be all of the Front Pages.
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Here are tonight's Page 1 previews.
This page will be updated as the headlines come in.
Shaun Wooller leads the front page.
Family Doctors are threatening to slash the number of their daily appointments and bring NHS to a 'standstill'.
Chris McCall leads the front page.
The NHS crisis is leaving desperate patients in debt as they turn to private healthcare for treatment.
Sam Lister / Jeremy Hunt lead the front page.
Labour tax hikes based on "mistruths" about the nation's finances will be an "ultimate betrayal" of The British Public.
David Maddox / Archie Mitchell lead the front page.
Transport Secretary Louise Haigh - who dubs herself 'The Passenger In Chief' is to announce new legislation that will trigger the most radical shake-up of Great Britain's railways since The Margaret Thatcher Era.
Melanie Swan leads the front page.
Israel was drawing up plans for retaliation against Hezbollah after an attack that killed 12 children.
Mark Howarth / John-Paul Breslin lead the front page.
Thousands of Scots are attending A&E Departments to get dental treatment amid claims the service is 'on the brink of collapse'.
Nadeem Badshah leads the front page.
It's so hot this week that people are calling into work sick and those that do make it are over-heated zombies.
Oh crumbs!
Calum Ross leads the front page.
Schools across Scotland have been increasingly "struggling" to hold exams amid a huge rise in the number of pupils requiring special arrangements in the wake of the pandemic.
Dave Burke leads the front page.
Desperate GPs in work-to-rule poll in fight for extra cash.
Two-tier doctor system could get as bad as dentists.
Disruptive action may start in days and hit patient care.
Aletha Adu leads the front page.
Rachel Reeves will lay the ground for cuts to public spending, tax rises and delays to som major infrastructure.
James Politi leads the front page.
Kamala Harris has raised $200MN for her White House bid in less than a week, a campaign spokesperson said.
FULL STORY: FT.COM/content/5ad46c5c-6289-4af0-91be-121f2809a9e0
Tony Mogan leads the front page.
Steven Van De Velde, a Beach Volleyball player who served a year of his jail sentence for raping a 12-year old, was booed as he competed in The Olympics.