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Ruth Suter leads tomorrow's edition.
David Blyth is thought to have rowed with Victoria Blyth over text messages before gunning her down then turning the weapon on himself.
Martyn Brown / Michael Knowles lead tomorrow's edition.
Banking giant HSBC has warned that The Labour Party's plan to boost workers' wages risks triggering a surge in unemployment.
David Bol leads tomorrow's edition.
Anas Sarwar will pledge to "look after young people from cradle to career".
Ben Riley Smith leads tomorrow's edition.
Boris Johnson is being drafted in by The Tories to play a more active role in General Election campaign.
David Parsley leads tomorrow's edition.
Nigel Farage says his flagship policy to raise Income Tax is meant to 'provoke debate'.
Tom Hutchison leads tomorrow's edition.
Count Binface unveils his 24-point plan to save Britain and everyone at Daily Star believe it to be the most sane and honest manifesto out there.
Jason Groves leads tomorrow's edition.
Keir Starmer will try to rig the voting system to 'entrench his power' for years, Rishi Sunak claims.
Ben Quinn / Pippa Crerar / Peter Walker lead tomorrow's edition.
Nigel Farage announced a series of populist pledges, huge tax cuts and £140BN in spending commitments.
Andy Lines / Paul Byrne lead tomorrow's edition.
German Police welcomed England fans to Frankfurt before Thursday's Denmark match.
Robbie McDonald leads tomorrow's edition.
Residents in Whalley are still being disturbed by drunkenness, drug abuse, anti-social behaviour and noise from revellers on streets, music from clubs and people having sex in alleys despite a special licensing system, councillors have claimed.
Leila Abboud / Adrienne Klasa / Sarah White lead tomorrow's edition.
France's corporate bosses are racing to build contracts with Marine Le Pen.
Andrew Murray leads tomorrow's edition.
Reform started targeting Labour "red wall" voters as the hard-right party launched its reactionary General Election manifesto in Wales.
Joe Harrigan leads tomorrow's edition.
Greater Manchester Police are to close a Travellers' site linked to "unacceptable crime and violence", including an attack on a Council worker.