The term rape is sometimes used interchangeably with the term sexual assault.

Rape Crisis Scotland support the work of local centres and develop new centres in areas where there are no or few specialist services.
Rape Crisis Scotland also work with other agencies such as the police, Crown Office and health services providing training and consultancy to improve the response to those who are affected by and who perpetrate sexual violence.
Through their campaigns, briefings and publications they raise awareness of sexual violence, challenge attitudes and press for legal change.
The Rape Crisis Scotland National Helpline provides crisis support for anyone in Scotland affected by sexual violence at any time in their lives.
Rape Crisis Scotland is governed by a Board of Directors which includes representation from local rape crisis centres, thus ensuring that the strategic direction of the organisation is directly influenced by the needs and views of our member centres across Scotland.

The Survivors Trust's members have the professional expertise and empathic understanding necessary to help survivors meet the challenges and difficulties they are experiencing as a result of abuse or rape.
All of The Survivors Trust agencies work in line with our National Service Standards which provide assurance of consistent quality service.