Ovarian Cancer mainly affects women who have been through the menopause (usually over the age of 50), but it can sometimes affect younger women.

Over the past 40 years survival has doubled, thanks to the great progress research has made.
Cancer doesn’t discriminate and neither do Cancer Research UK's discoveries.
They benefit people everywhere, regardless of where they were made.
By bringing together local Universities, NHS trusts and charities, Cancer Research UK have created world-leading hubs of research in various cities all across Great Britain.
Their research network allows the smartest minds to work together, locally, to ensure discoveries are turned into benefits for people with cancer everywhere, sooner.
PLEASE VISIT: CancerResearchUK.org
FORUM: CancerResearchUK.org/CancerChat
FREEPHONE: 0808 800 40 40

Ovarian Cancer Action are determined to do something about cancer in the ovaries.
To take action and make ovarian cancer a survivable disease.
Ovarian Cancer Action are rasing awareness of the symptoms of ovarian cancer amongst the public and healthcare professionals is how they make the quickest impact.
Scientific research is how Ovarian Cancer Action make the biggest impact.
Ovarian Cancer Action are committed to funding research to accelerate progress in three main areas: prevention, diagnosis and treatment.
And while their scientists are busy in the lab, other members of their team are on the ground campaigning for change and raising awareness of the disease, so that every woman and healthcare professional knows the signs to look out for.
PLEASE VISIT: Ovarian.org.uk
BCRA HUB: Ovarian.org.uk/BCRA
HELPLINE: 020 7380 1730
EMAIL: [email protected]