Forms of child sexual abuse include engaging in sexual activities with a child (whether by asking or pressuring, or by other means), indecent exposure, child grooming, child sexual exploitation or using a child to produce child pornography.

In 2013, following the announcement of a fund that prevented organisations working specifically with males from applying, those very same professionals came together with others to lobby the government to recognise the needs of boys and men as victims/survivors of sexual offences.

All non-abusing parents, carers and families have the right to receive comprehensive support to live with the consequences of sexual abuse and to aid recovery.
Mosac aim to provide a unique and specialist service, offering practical and emotional support to non-abusing parents, carers and families.
Mosac enable these families to achieve and sustain an improved quality of life by rebuilding confidence, alleviating isolation, promoting inclusion and empowering them with the skills to safeguard themselves and their children.
Mosac break the silence surrounding child sexual abuse by raising awareness through training and consultancy.

Victim Support Scotland are proud to serve victims and witnesses in the north of Britain by campaigning for their rights and helping to improve their experiences of the criminal justice system.
Their aim is to supporting, both, the victims and witnesses of any form of crime.
Victim Support Scotland provides support and information services to victims and witnesses of crime north of the border.
Victim Support Scotland support 200,000 people affected by crime each year.
This support is provided by staff and volunteers in national and local offices and court-based services across Scotland.
Victim Support Scotland are an independent charity and not part of the Police Scotland or Scottish Courts.
All conversations with victims and witnesses are confidential and are not shared with people outside of Victim Support Scotland.
The service, provided by Victim Support Scotland, is completely free.
Victim Support Scotland's daily contact with victims and witnesses of crime gives the charity a unique insight into the issues that they face.
VSS campaign to ensure that the criminal justice system in Scotland takes full account of the needs of victims and witnesses of crime.

Their purpose is to provide specialist help to support people to cope and recover to the point where they feel they are back on track with their lives.
In 2018, Victim Support were in contact with over 1,035,032 victims of crime within that calendar year offering information, advice and support.
704,219 people visited and their dedicated local teams provided specialist emotional and practical support to 133,965 victims.
Victim Support are independent of the government, the police, local authorities and criminal justice system, but work closely with them and others to achieve their vision - a world where victims and witnesses are given the support they need and the respect they deserve.
Victim Support works with victims of crime and VS put them at the heart of their organisation and the way they run their services. Victim Support's work, their support and their voice is informed and shaped by them.
As an organisation, victims are their only focus, and over the years they have developed unrivalled expertise in their needs, aspirations and their journey through the criminal justice system.
Victim Support are a national organisation but we are deeply rooted in the local communities in which they work.
They are local.
They are national.
They are independent.
As a national charity, Victim Support have a clear purpose and vision with strong values.
The Victim Support charity was set up over 40 years ago.
FREEPHONE: 0800 16 01 985
INFOLINE: 0345 603 9213
FREEPHONE: 08 08 16 89 111
INFOLINE: 08 08 16 89 293