Wednesday 24 June 2020
Devised by Tony Warren
Written by John Kerr
Directed by Tim Finn
Series Producer: Iain MacLeod
Old McDonalds go to a farm. Leanne, Nick, Steve, Tracy, Simon, Emma and Amy take Oliver to the petting zoo. Leanne does her best to relax but she can't take her eyes off her son. When Oliver spots some cows, he makes a mooing noise and starts laughing, Leanne is utterly thrilled to see a flash of the old Oliver.
Carla quizzes Peter. Carla shows Peter a copy of The Weatherfield Gazette headline and accuses him of beating up Jordan and Chelsey. Peter is offended and vehemently denies any involvement. This leaves Carla perplexed. In The Rovers, Ken raises a toast in commemoration of V.E Day. Having calmed down, Peter assures Carla that he was at an alcoholics’ meeting at the time of the assault so it had nothing to do with him. Who did attack them?
Meanwhile, Sebastian and Alina admit they still have feelings for each other but Alina insists they can only be friends so as not to upset Emma.
Elsewhere, Daniel finds a release. Clearly on edge, Daniel tells Nicky that it was a mistake and he shouldn’t have called her. Daniel opens up to Nicky and tells her all about Sinead, how much he loved her, how much he misses her and how lonely his life has become.
Tom Roberts as Scott Emberton
Harry Visinoni as Sebastian "Seb" Franklin
Scot Williams as Aaron Faraday
Kate Ford as Tracy McDonald
Ruxandra Porojnicu as Alina Pop
Ellie Leach as Faye Windass
Mark Frost as Ray Crosby
Barbara Knox as Rita Tanner
William Roache as Ken Barlow
Sue Nicholls as Audrey Roberts
Julia Goulding as Shona Platt
Rob Mallard as Daniel Osbourne
Alex Bain as Simon Barlow
Jane Danson as Leanne Battersby
Elle Mulvaney as Amy Barlow
Alexandra Mardell as Emma Brooker
Simon Gregson as Steve McDonald
Liam Bairstow as Alexander "Alex" Warner
Chris Gascoyne as Peter Barlow
Ryan Russell as Michael Bailey
Alison King as Carla Connor
Kimberly Hart-Simpson as Nicky Wheatley
Malcolm Hebden as Norris Cole
Ben Price as Nick Tilsley