Episode 9129
Wednesday 18 August 2021
Devised by Kevin Laffan
Writer: Sharon Marshall
Director: Emma Lindley
Series Producer: Laura Shaw
Series Producer: Sophie Roper
Executive Producer: Jane Hudson
Liam admits he's struggling and can't cope with sudden changes at the moment.
Meena has plans for an afternoon in bed with David but those ideas are put on ice when she discovers he's babysitting intead causing the nurse to be fuming.
Meanwhile, Bernice hopes to play matchmaker for Nicola & Jimmy.
Elsehwhere, Ben is asked for information on Wendy.
Isabel Hodgins as Victoria Sugden
Simon Lennon as Ben Tucker
Nick Miles as James "Jimmy" King
Paige Sanddhu as Meena Jutla
Samantha Giles as Bernice Blackstock
Nicola Wheeler as Nicola King
Roxy Shahidi as Leyla Cavanagh
Fiona Wade as Priya Kotecha
Jonny McPherson as Dr. Liam Cavanagh
Rob Jarvis as Russ