Episode 9227
Thursday 09 December 2021
Devised by Kevin Laffan
Writer: Sarah Hooper
Director: Alan Wareing
Series Producer: Laura Shaw
Series Producer: Kate Brooks
Executive Producer: Jane Hudson
Introducing: Cathy Breeze as Mel
Meanwhile, Liv is stunned when Mandy demands that she cut all contact with Vinny.
Elsewhere, Manpreet is furious.
Dean Andrews as William "Will" Taylor
Paige Sandhu as Meena Jutla
Kevin Mathurin as Rev. Charles Anderson
Jay Kontzle as Billy Fletcher
Eden Taylor-Draper as Belle Dingle
Lisa Riley as Mandy Dingle
Bhasker Patel as Rishi Sharma
Jessie Elland as Chloe Harris
Olivia Bromley as Dawn Taylor
Claire King as Kim Tate
Natalie Ann Jamieson as Amy Wyatt
Laura Norton as Kerry Wyatt
Samantha Giles as Bernice Blackstock
Isobel Steele as Olivia "Liv" Flaherty
Michael Wildman as Al Chapman
Emile John as Ethan Anderson
Rebecca Sarker as Dr. Manpreet Sharma
Bradley Johnson as Vinny Dingle
Cathy Breeze as Mel
Episode 9228
Thursday 09 December 2021
Devised by Kevin Laffan
Writer: Isobel Cameron
Director: Alan Wareing
Series Producer: Laura Shaw
Series Producer: Kate Brooks
Executive Producer: Jane Hudson
Introducing: Frazer Hammill as Guard
Meanwhile, Chas is shocked.
Elsewhere, Meena is jealousy gets the better of her.
Claire King as Kim Tate
Lisa Riley as Mandy Dingle
Paige Sandu as Meena Jutla
Emile John as Ethan Anderson
Samantha Giles as Bernice Blackstock
Jessie Elland as Chloe Harris
Natalie Ann Jamieson as Amy Wyatt
Eden Taylor-Draper as Belle Dingle
Susan Cookson as Wendy Posner
Lucy Pargeter as Chas Dingle
Kevin Mathurin as Rev. Charles Anderson
Dean Andrews as William "Will" Taylor
Jay Kontzle as Billy Fletcher
Olivia Bromley as Dawn Taylor
Rebecca Sarker as Dr. Manpreet Sharma
Laura Norton as Kerry Wyatt
Cathy Breeze as Mel
Frazer Hammill as Guard