Ail bennod: Rownd A Rownd, dydd Iau 26 Rhagfyr 2019, ar S4C - trwy BBC Cymru - am 18:30.
Ond mae meddwl Fflur ar rywbeth amgenach; rhywbeth difrifol sydd yn amlwg yn ei phoeni’n fawr.
Gyda Dydd Nadolig yn agosáu mae Arthur yn gweithredu ei gynllun dieflig ac Iris druan yn gwirioni, gan lyncu celwydd Arthur yn gwbl ddiniwed.
Caiff Kylie anrheg Nadolig annisgwyl hefyd, ond nid yw’n cael y croeso yr oedd Ken Corn yn ei obeithio.
Wrth i Jason hiraethu am Anest, mae’n benderfynol o drefnu parti nos Calan er mwyn ei denu adref o Torquay, ond bydd e’n wynebu sawl problem ar y ffordd.
Ac mae Dylan yn dod adref o’r de i gael gweld Llew ond mae’n dechrau cael amheuon am Fflur a’i chymhellion.
Second episode: Round A Round airs, Thursday 26 December 2019, on S4C - via BBC Wales - at 18:30.
But Fflur's mind is on something else, something serious that's obviously very distressing.
With Christmas Day impending, Arthur implements his nasty plan and poor Iris dotes innocently, swallowing Arthur's lies completely.
Kylie also receives an unexpected Christmas present, but it doesn't get the welcome that Ken Corn was hoping for.
With Jason pining for Anest, he is determined to organise a New Year's Eve party in order to attract her home from Torquay, but he will face several problems on the way.
And Dylan comes home from the South to see Llew but doubts begin to arise in him about Fflur and her motives.