Cynhyrchydd Gweithredol: Bedwyr Rees
BBC Cymru ar S4C
Dydd Iau 07 Mai 2020
BBC Cymru ar S4C
Wrth i Carwyn frathu ei dafod am fwriad Anest i drio prynu eu tŷ rhent gan Kay, mae Kay’n mwynhau cynllunio ynghylch beth i’w wneud â’r holl arian, tan i bawb daro ar rwystr i’w cynlluniau.
Er gwaethaf holl gynlluniau Vince i gadw draw oddi wrth Barry a’i fusnes peryg, bydd y demtasiwn yn ormod iddo ac yn beryg i’w berthynas â Ken and K Kabs.
Mae rhwystredigaeth a hiraeth Carys ac Aled yn cynyddu wrth iddyn nhw orfod bod ar wahân. Caiff Carys ei themtio i arllwys ei chalon wrth Lowri ond mae hi’n penderfynu cadw ei gwewyr iddi hi ei hun.
Caiff Vince ddiwrnod i’w anghofio wrth iddo gyflawni tasg dros Barry, ac aiff pethau o ddrwg i waeth wrth i’r moped dorri i lawr.
Executive Producer: Bedwyr Rees
BBC Wales on S4C
Thursday 07 May 2020
BBC Wales on S4C
As Carwyn tries to bite his tongue about Anest’s intention of buying their rental house from Kay, Kay is enjoying planning what to do with the money - until they all come across a big flaw in the plan.
Despite Vince’s best intentions to steer clear from Barry and his dodgy business, the temptation becomes too great and he may endanger his relationship with Ken and K Kabs.
Carys and Aled’s frustrations and longing increase as they are forced to spend time apart. Carys is tempted to share her problems with Lowri but decides to keep it all to herself.
Vince has a day he would rather forget as he tries to do some work for Barry, and poor Ken is subject to Vince’s temper as he tries to make light of the situation.