Cynhyrchydd Gweithredol: Bedwyr Rees
Dydd Mawrth 28 Ebrill 2020
BBC Cymru ar S4C
Dydd Iau 30 Ebrill 2020
BBC Cymru ar S4C
Aiff pethau o ddrwg i waeth yn yr ysgol diolch i Mathew a Robbie, a gwelwn fod Dylan druan yn methu dal y pwysau.
Parhau i bwdu mae Iestyn wrth i arian ewyllys ei Nain godi cwestiynau, ac mae
Anest yn synnu pawb gyda’i chynllun diweddaraf.
Yn dilyn ei phenderfyniad i roi cyfle i Ian, mae Elen yn trefnu i’w gyfarfod er mwyn sicrhau bod unrhyw drefniadau o hyn ymlaen ar ei thelerau hi.
O glywed y newyddion da mae Mali ar ben ei digon.
Mae Dylan yn poeni yn arw ar ôl iddo golli ei dymer gyda Robbie yn yr ysgol ac mae’n artaith iddo ddisgwyl dros y penwythnos cyn trio sortio pethau.
Wrth i Anest drio sortio morgais i brynu tŷ gyda’i harian, bydd yn rhoi cynnig annisgwyl i'r Ks, a all effeithio ar ddyfodol eu cartrefi i gyd, er mawr rwystredigaeth i Carwyn.
Mae Elen yn mynd â Mali i weld ei thad yn swyddogol am y tro cyntaf, ond wrth drio plesio un ferch, bydd y llall yn cael ei brifo.
Executive Producer: Bedwyr Rees
Tuesday 28 April 2020
BBC Wales on S4C
Thursday 30 April 2020
BBC Wales on S4C
It soon comes apparent that Dylan is struggling to cope with the pressure.
Iestyn continues to sulk about not receiving his Nain’s inheritance, and Anest surprises everyone with her latest plan.
Elen decides to meet up with Ian to discuss arrangements, which are totally on her terms.
Needless to say, Mali is delighted with the news.
Dylan is extremely worried following the incident at school with Robbie and can’t face having to wait over the weekend before trying to sort things out. Only one man can help him - Mathew.
As Anest tries to organise a mortgage to buy a house with her Nain’s inheritance, she decides to make and unexpected offer to the Ks, which could affect a lot of people’s future - much to Carwyn’s frustration.
Elen takes Mali to her first official visit to see her dad, but by trying to please one daughter, the other is upset.