The cast and at ITV Yorkshire may have stopped producing traditional episodes but on Wednesday 20 May of 2020, Emmerdale initiated a phased return to filming with strict Government regulations in place.
It's been a testing time in the Serial Drama world amid CoronaVirus (COVID-19) monopolising every day life including the production of Great Britain's most much-loved programmes - including Emmerdale - to seize with immediate effect. The cast and at ITV Yorkshire may have stopped producing traditional episodes but on Wednesday 20 May of 2020, Emmerdale initiated a phased return to filming with strict Government regulations in place. Today - Monday 22 June 2020 - it was over to The Woolpack for Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) and Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) to pick up their COVID-19 Lockdown story. Here's a few things we learnt in this lockdown episode. Andrea is still ringing a Belle: Chas told Paddy that Belle is still stressing over Andrea's sudden disappearance following Jamie's affair with Belle. Chas believes Belle brought it on herself. Farmer Briggs' metre is a bit short: Returning from a callout, Paddy rails at one of his clients, Farmer Briggs, for not honouring the 2 metre social distancing rule when the vet had his hand up one poor cow's anal region. Chas is feeling the pinch: An alternative fast food joint have recently opened up serving basic foodstuffs to the local community. Chas feared her customers will go elsewhere, permanently, even when The Woolpack reopens. Chas feels she is failing to pull her weight as Paddy is the only one earning while she's not getting paid due to the pub closure. Chris Whitty gets a mention: Paddy said "when that Whitty chap" which meant Professor Chris Whitty got a mention. Professor Whitty has a unique fan base who'll be delighted at this. Paddy wants to hear the pitter patter of tiny feet again: Having a heart-to-heart with Chas over the CoronaVirus Pandemic, the pair discuss decorating Grace's bedroom and the conversation winded to Eve (Chas & Paddy's only living daughter). Paddy let slip and asked Chas "do you ever think she'll have a little brother or sister?" much to Chas' amazement. Will Chas and Paddy have another child? Chas and Paddy appreciate the support: Talking about the 8PM Thursday clapping for the NHS, Paddy & Chas have an emotional moment going over how much help the doctors and nurses were at the medical facility when Grace was born. They are all heroes. Emmerdale is back this Wednesday at 19:00 on ITV/STV.
It's over to Nicola King (Nicola Wheeler) and James "Jimmy" King (Nick Miles) in Mulberry Cottage for their CoronaVirus (COVID-19) lockdown story. Here is what viewers learnt. Nicola's back is the least of her wines: Sitting on the laptop in obvious discomfort, Nicola complains to her long-suffering husband, Jimmy, about her back problems. 'Devastation' was about to hit Mulberry Cottage; they have missed their 'essential' wine delivery and all Nicola wanted to do - in lockdown - was drink wine. Most likely to ease her situation with Jimmy and screaming kids. Nicola's fury causes Jimmy to soon do a runner for supplies. Nicola keeps in-touch with the village people: During lockdown, Nicola sets up a WhatsApp group with her fellow villagers. In this group so far, Nicola has; Laurel Thomas, Marlon Dingle, Rhona Goskirk, Priya Kotecha, Tracy Metcalfe, and Dan Spencer (providing he doesn't keep going on about his legs). Nicola deems Kerry Wyatt as a 'drunk messenger' so she won't be included in the group and neither will Jimmy because he is not invited. Jimmy gets knickers in a twist: Somehow the discussion got onto Nicola's knicker drawer. Jimmy comments on how her underwear has changed throughout the years. According to Jimmy, Nicola's knickers are now like sardines in a can - a world away from how they were when Mr. & Mrs. King got together. Nicola was far from impressed - obviously. Marlon goes for a jog: Looking out the window, Jimmy remarks on Marlon jogging with his new trainers. How Jimmy noticed Marlon's trainers (or remotely remembered what they looked like) is a very bizarre occurrence. The numbers don't add up for Jimmy: Having a look at the children's mathematics homework, Jimmy couldn't make end nor tail of it and became shocked at what the youth of today has to endure in school. Jimmy is in Nicola's business: At the end of this evening's episode written by Chris Gill, Nicola told Jimmy she wants to get back into the business world and start her own company. When Emmerdale goes back to regular episodes this new storyline will be explored. Where are the kids? The actors who portray Nicola and Jimmy's children were not in ITV Studios during filming. Storyline-wise, they're in their rooms upstairs in Mulberry Cottage. House swap in the dales: According to Nick Miles on Twitter, this episode was originally meant to be from Nicola & Jimmy's home at Victoria Cottage but due to production restrictions this was not possible so a few alterations was made. Laurel is in lockdown at Jai Sharma's house where Nicola, Jimmy & the kids have been 'dontated' Laurel's house for the time being. Emmerdale returns on Monday at 19:00 - ITV/STV.
Back on 23 March, Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced closure of workplaces across Britain in an attempt to reduce the spread of the deadly CoronaVirus (COVID-19). Elsrtree Studios, like all of us, aren't above the law and therefore had to close its doors until further notice. This meant for the first time in 35 years, EastEnders had to stop being produced by the BBC. Of course, Jon Sen (Executive Producer - EastEnders), like everyone else, had no idea of the Pandemic which has intruded on near 67 billion lives in the United Kingdom but watching tonight's episode, you would have to think - did he? This evening's episode - directed by Thomas Hescott - will give you a terrific series finale feel at the closing moments of the programme and it will leave you with a lot of "what if" questions. As already revealed, Jay Brown (Jamie Borthwick) visits his brother, Ben Mitchell (Max Bowden) but things soon become alarming when Ben collapses because of his deteriorating health complications. Kirsty "Dotty" Cotton (Milly Zero) will confront Ian Beale (Adam Woodyatt) after he set her up to be arrested in yesterday's episode. After the war of words in this edition - written by Katie Douglas - viewers will be sure to have questions on what's next for Kirsty & Ian's developing rivalry. No episode would be complete without a visit to The Queen Victoria and the iconic public house is at the heart of tonight's showing. Phil Mitchell (Steve McFadden) has been wanting to buy back The Queen Vic from Mick Carter (Danny Dyer) and Linda Carter (Kellie Bright) for months but with Linda throwing a spanner in the works of Phil's plans it will be a back and forth battle for the Mitchell patriarch.
As the new owner of The Queen Vic is revealed it will be a Doof Doof for the ages. The ending will leave you with wanting so much more from the BBC One Serial Drama and the incapability to wait until the next episode. EastEnders airs BBC One, tonight, at 19:30. After a roaring success in Sam & Lydia Dingle's episode on Monday it was up to Cain Dingle (Jeff Hordley) and Aaron Sugden-Dingle (Danny Miller) to tell their lockdown story. Here is a few things of what we learnt. Aaron has had a drastic haircut: Presumably Danny Miller has done what a lot of men in lockdown have done; get the hair clippers out and do a DIY job. Although this is not confirmed. Aaron is out-of-work and Cain is in-on-work: While Aaron has had to close the scrapyard due to CoronaVirus (COVID-19) Pandemic, it was revealed Cain has kept the garage open due to it being an essential business. Aaron spends the day slaying dragons: While Cain is out doing adult stuff, Aaron is indoors on the PlayStation. Moira still has Cain in the doghouse: Coming back from Butlers Farm, Cain is in a mood. Aaron asks him what's up where he tells his nephew that Moira is still being awkward about the birthday card (Cain got her a card saying 50 and she's really 49). Cain reminds Aaron that she was the one who had the affair. Robert makes contact with Aaron: Seeing a letter with a prison stamp on it, Cain hides it away from Aaron presuming he is over all of that stuff with Robert. Later Aaron tells his uncle he still has feelings for Robert and is worried about how he's coping in all of this. Eventually the letter is found and Aaron reads its contents. Robert apologises to Aaron with the way things ended and it gave him some closure. Aaron decides to try and move on. Cain is always the little dog: Playing a game of Monopoly, Cain is always the Little Dog but the counter is nowhere to be seen as it was a dodgy set Robert bought from a bring and buy sale. Cain has a strange choice of favourite film genre: It was revealed Cain likes the chick flick Mean Girls. Emmerdale is back with more lockdown on Monday 15 June at 19:00 on ITV/STV.
It's been a testing time in the Serial Drama world amid CoronaVirus (COVID-19) monopolising every day life including the production of Great Britain's most much-loved programmes - including Emmerdale - to seize with immediate effect. The cast and at ITV Yorkshire may have stopped producing traditional episodes but on Wednesday 20 May of 2020, Emmerdale initiated a phased return to filming with strict Government regulations in place. Tonight (Monday 8 June 2020) viewers saw the first of the lockdown episodes. In a two-hander, meaning only two characters featured, it was up to Emmerdale vetarans James Hooton & Karen Blick to lead the show into uncharted waters. Here is what viewers learnt. Samson Dingle is stuck outside of Emmerdale Village: Samson Dingle (Sam Hall) is off on a school excursion which means he cannot return to the village any time soon due to the initial travel ban. Mandy and Vinny are not living at Wishing Well Cottage: According to Lydia Dingle (Karen Blick), Mandy Dingle and Vinny Ashdale have moved out of Wishing Well Cottage and made a temporary home for themselves at Beauty & Bernice with no beds and a microwave to keep them company. Sam Dingle (James Hooton) presumes they'll be "alright". The reason being, Sam turfed them out to protect Lydia. Brenda Walker is... walking: After an early finish at Home Farm, Sam returns to the Dingle home where Lydia asks if he has seen anyone out and about. Sam lets Lydia know he's just bypassed Brenda who was 'panic walking' insisting Brenda never went for a walk in her life before all this. Sam is no use at supermarket shopping: Coming back from the supermarket dressed head-to-toe in overly protective PPE, Lydia digs at Sam for only buying sausages and potatoes. Zak is stuck up north: About 10 days into lockdown, Lydia finishes a telephone conversation with Zak Dingle. It is alluded that he is in Scotland with Debbie Dingle, again, which would give Steve Halliwell - who portrays Zak - an indefinite leave of absence for a while due to ITV Studios writing-out their older storytellers to protect them from COVID-19. It's unclear when Zak will return but Emmerdale haven't written him out completely as Debbie Dingle will be back following maternity leave. If Debbie is coming back you'd have to assume Zak will not be too far behind. Sam fears Lyida will contract Huntington's Disease during COVID-19 Pandemic: Since day 1 of lockdown, Sam has not let Lydia outside of Wishing Well Cottage and to be fair, Lydia was getting bored approximately 2-weeks indoors. Lydia told Sam she went out for a Government-sanctioned walk around the village much to Sam's horror. During an exchange of words, Sam blurted out that since Lydia hadn't taken the Huntington's Disease test, she might be at-risk more than most. Lydia deemed the subject 'closed' telling Sam if he carries on the way he's doing their relationship will be strained. Sam Dingle is furloughed: Sam came back from Home Farm telling Lydia that Kim Tate has him on furlough. The thing Sam Dingle misses the most in lockdown: Typical bloke. Emmerdale continues on Wednesday where Jeff Hordley & Danny Miller take the reins in Cain Dingle and Aaron Sugden-Dingle's lockdown. Emmerdale is an ITV Yorkshire production for ITV/STV.
Last night's Emmerdale was one for the ages and this evening's was the aftermath of Jamie's affair with Belle was revealed in epic proportions. More arguments between Jamie Tate (Alexander Lincoln) and Andrea Tate (Anna Nightingale) following Jamie's deceit however Andrea wound herself into a tangled web of lies of her own as Jamie figured out she has known for a lot longer than he thought. Andrea is desperate to keep her marriage with Jamie. She wants nothing but to save her marriage but Jamie had other plans. He chose Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) much to Andrea's upset.
After Jamie declared he wants to be with Belle, Andrea branded her "mentally unstable" with "no personality" which caused Jamie to storm off. Later, talking things over with Kim Tate (Claire King), Jamie was advised to hurry to grab what he can in order to salvage his belongings before Andrea "burnt them". Going back to the marital bedroom, Jamie was given more shocks. Andrea has vanished with Millie Tate (Willow Bell) causing Jamie to be worried. Where have Andrea & Belle gone? Emmerdale continues on ITV/STV this Friday from 19:00. A quiz night in The Woolpack was never going to go off without a hitch - it is Emmerdale after all - and tonight's went off sensationally. Over the past few weeks Jamie Tate (Alexander Lincoln) has been having an affair with Belle Dingle (Eden Taylor-Draper) behind his wife's back. Unbeknown to Jamie, Mrs. Tate knows all about it. Andrea Tate (Anna Nightingale) has been seen conspiring with Leyla Harding (Rokhsaneh Ghawam-Shahidi) on a revenge plan to out-trump Jamie and, to cut a long story short, it all got a bit messy in tonight's trip to the Yorkshire Dales. During the quiz - hosted by Bob Hope (Tony Audenshaw) - the question screen began to show something that most definitely was not quiz questions. In fact, they were mobile phone screengrabs of text messages sent to and from Jamie & Belle. Not only did Andrea see them, the entire population of The Woolpack did as well. How did these text messages get leaked? Well, Leyla suggested to Bob that all quiz participants surrender their mobile phones to ensure no cheating was done... but that wasn't the type of cheating Leyla were on about. After collecting all the mobile phone devices, putting them into an empty crisp box, Andrea and Leyla's conspriacy was set. During the visual round, Bob put the overhead projector on and emblazoned all over the big screen were the dirty text messages. The entire pub was stunned silent. Andrea still wants to be with Jamie as she needs him more than Belle does.
Who knows what Jane Hudson has in-store for us on Wednesday but I can tell you this, the story will continue. Emmerdale continues on ITV/STV. |
AuthorAndy Gibson for Archives
October 2024