Her abuser, Geoff Mecalfe (who was portrayed by Ian Bartholomew), may be dead but he's still in the mind of Yasmeen.
Asha proudly wore the choker as it is one of her more favourite presents but her boyfriend, Corey Brent (Maximus Evans), had other ideas.
Yasmeen was sitting a few tables away, witnessing the whole thing when Corey belittled Asha for wearing the choker. Basically likening Asha to a dog as the choker resembled a dog collar.
Corey's actions almost mirrored Geoff's to Yasmeen. Yasmeen couldn't help but see herself in Asha.
Later, when Corey left Roy's Rolls, Yasmeen stood up and calmly spoke to Asha about the choker incident.
Yasmeen tried to reassure Asha that Corey wasn't being very kind. Yasmeen went on to explain Asha wasn't made to remove the choker.
At first, Asha dismissed Yasmeen saying it's just what couples do - calling it 'bants' - but when Nina noticed Asha wasn't wearing the choker, Nina asked Asha if she was OK where Asha shook her head in the no fashion.
In the end, Asha decided to terminate her relationship with Corey and live her life her way.
Coronation Street continues on ITV/STV.