Since abruptly quitting his life-long job in Holby City's Emergency Department following the death of his wife, Lisa 'Duffy' Fairhead, Charlie has not been seen.
Connie Beauchamp (Amanda Mealing) and Jacob Masters (Charles Venn) were first outside to meet Charlie from the Ambulance after being rescued by Fenisha Khatri (Olivia D'Lima) and Lev Malinovsky (Uriel Emil).
It was immediately obvious to viewers Charlie is on a downward spiral.
Throughout the episode, Connie was seen at Charlie's bedside and she pleaded with her staff to keep Charlie's incident quiet to not damage the Emergency Department's reputation and to maintain Charlie Fairhead's respect within the Holby City medical facility.
All Charlie wants is Lisa and that is figuratively crushing his morale.
During Charlie's admission, Connie asked him about being at home and it wasn't long before it was alluded to that Charlie has been avoiding his house at all costs.
It was soon revealed that Charlie has developed depression.
Can Charlie Fairhead come back from the brink and be the face of Holby City again?
Casualty continues on BBC One.